Thursday, July 19, 2007

Newline / Line break inside layered divs

Imagine this codes:

<div id="layer1" style="position:absolute; width:....."> This is some text <BR> and this is a new line </div>
you will be given the output of:
This is some text and this is a new line

simple right?

But unfortunately, <BR> can't be use to append a line break or a new line in a sentence, dynamically, using innerHTML or textContent:

<script> document.getElementById('layer1').innerHTML = "This is some text <BR> and this is a new line" </script>

<div id="layer1" style="position:absolute; width:....."> no text yet </div>

It will give you:
This is some text and this is a new line

So how to overcome this?

Just use "\n" instead :D

<script> document.getElementById('layer1').innerHTML = "This is some text \n and this is a new line" </script>

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