Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tools of Trade

Here are the tools that may help us:

Punjab :
- is a HTTP jabber client interface. It is a SOAP, XMLRPC, JEP-0025 or JEP-0124 server that allows persistent client connections to a jabber server. It can be used for many things, but its main purpose is to allow for stateless applications (ie web) a stateful connection to jabber. LINK
jwchat & Punjab

jabberHTTPBind (JHB) :
- is a java servlet implementing JEP-0124 (HTTP Binding) thus enabling you to connect to any Jabber™ server by way of HTTP Binding. LINK

Globsy :
- Globsy is a PHP bot framework for the Google Talk network that can be executed from a regular browser on a PHP enabled server, connect to the Google Talk network and continue running in the background, without the browser needing to remain open. LINK

Java2Script :
- java2Script (J2S) Pacemaker provides an Eclipse Java to JavaScript compiler plugin and an implementation of JavaScript version of Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) with other common utilities, such as java.lang.* and java.util.*. You can convert your SWT-base Rich Client Platform (RCP) into Rich Internet Application (RIA) by Java2Script Pacemaker. LINK

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