Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting X node value

Consider the following stanza:

<x xmlns="myns">

which is then passed to a function called getFoo(message), that will extract the value of <content>. I was having trouble getting that value using message.stanza.x.content, so I found an alternative way, by parsing the xml stanza through xml string.

What we need to do:

//declare a namespace var to make things read
ns = "myns";

//get the <x> node only
var x = message.stanza.ns::x;

//extracting the position value
var foovalue = loadXMLString(x);

//function to parse through XML String .. from
function loadXMLString(XMLtext)
var parser=new DOMParser();
var doc=parser.parseFromString(XMLtext,"text/xml");

// documentElement always represents the root node
var x=doc.documentElement;

return x.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue; //the <content> value..... Why so many childNodes? see below.


Why so many childNodes?

Even though the xml string we extracted (<x> node only) will be something like this:

<x xmlns="myns">

In plain eyes, it looks like <x> have only 1 child node (content), but instead it has 3 nodes actually. The real stanza would be something like this:

<x xmlns="myns">
--- invisible textnode ---
--- invisible textnode ---

you can prove this by displaying the nodeType for all the children:

x.childNodes[0].nodeType; // text
x.childNodes[1].nodeType; // element (<content>)
x.childNodes[2].nodeType; // text


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