Thursday, June 21, 2007

Accessing chrome level function from browser's document

For security reasons, Firefox doesn't allow HTML element's inside a document's body to access functions / vars from chrome path files directly. Therefore, we need to append <script> tag at the appropriate places.
- inside <body> ==> didn't work
- inside <head> ==> didn't work
- inside <html> and same level as <head> and <body> ==> SUCCESS!


windowRoot = document.documentElement;
bodyRoot = content.document.body;
root = content.document;
doc = window.document;

When in CHROME level

alert(windowRoot.nodeName); //window
alert(bodyRoot.nodeName); //body
alert(root.nodeName); //#document
alert(doc.nodeName); //#document

alert(root.childNodes[0].nodeName); //HTML
alert(doc.childNodes[0].nodeName); //window

When in document level
alert(windowRoot.nodeName); //HTML
alert(bodyRoot.nodeName); //body
alert(root.nodeName); //#document
alert(doc.nodeName); //#document

alert(root.childNodes[0].nodeName); //HTML
alert(doc.childNodes[0].nodeName); //HTML

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